Hungarian Education

Education in Hungary is divided into various levels. Primary education is usually five or 8 years. High school is normally between 9 and 12. Education is mainly free and compulsory until the age of 16. Students can choose to attend vocational and special school instead of high school.

Those who successfully complete their high school education will be granted a Matura Diploma which enables them to continue to a college or university study level. Majority of primary and secondary schools provide their education in Hungarian language. There are highly qualified bilingual schools which provide education in two languages which are mainly Hungarian and English. Some schools teach German, Spanish, Chinese, French, and other languages as the second language.

Some schools such as Avicenna International College (AIC) provide the high school courses all in English. AIC teaches Hungarian, German, Chinese and German as a second language. Students can choose from these options. AIC also offers A-Level diploma and is an accredited teaching and exam center for EDEXCEL.

There are some international schools in Hungary which offer the educational system of their country such as Germany, USA, UK and France.

Public schools are supported by the Hungarian government and the students normally do not pay tuition fee. Other schools are under the supervision of foundations, charities and churches. Private and international schools normally charge for their services. Students can always apply for scholarships and financial supports.

Higher Education in Hungary

The institutions that provide higher education programs and grant a degree to their graduates are accredited by the Hungarian government according to the Hungarian and EU rules and regulations. These institutions are generally divided to “university” (in Hungarian: egyetem) and “college or applied university” (in Hungarian: foiskola). The main difference between the two institutions is that a university should offer bachelor, master and PhD degrees, while a college can only offer bachelor and master levels. The other difference is that universities are usually comprehensive which includes different departments and faculties while a college can be more specific and offer some majors which are related to a specific area such as business or technology.

Most of the universities and colleges in Hungary are either dependent on the Hungarian state or they are self-governed by a foundation. There are also private universities and colleges. Some are related to church or other religious organizations.

All Hungarian universities and colleges provide their courses in Hungarian language which are open for everyone. Many of these institutions provide education in English and German. The international students mainly apply for the English language programs of the Hungarian Education. International students are required to pay tuition fee for their their studies in Hungary and also cover their own expenses relevant to their studies and living.

There are some state sponsored scholarship options available for the international students such as “Stipendium Hungaricum” which covers almost all the expenses of study and living in Hungary. Click here to get more information about this scholarship. You can get more information under scholarship in this website.

You can see the list of the Hungarian Universities and their websites in the following table.

University of Veterinary Medicine
Andrássy University Budapest
Corvinus University of Budapest
Budapest Business University
Budapest Metropolitan University
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
University of Debrecen
Debrecen Reformed Theological University
University of Dunaújváros
Edutus University
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
Lutheran Theological University
Gál Ferenc University
Gábor Dénes University
Károli Gáspár Reformed University
Kodolányi János University
Central European University
Liszt Ferenc Music Academy University
Hungarian University of Fine Arts
Hungarian Dance University
University of Milton Friedman
University of Miskolc
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
National University of Public Service
John von Neumann University /
GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
University of Nyíregyháza
Óbuda University
Budapest University of Jewish Studies
University of Pannonia
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
University of Pécs
Semmelweis University
University of Sopron
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Széchenyi István University of Győr
University of Theatre and Film Arts
University of Szeged
University of Tokaj

Corvinus University of Budapest

You can see the list of the Hungarian Colleges and their websites in the following table.

The Gate of Dharma Buddhist College
Adventist Theological College
Apor Vilmos Catholic College
Baptist Theological Academy
Bhaktivedanta College of Theology
Győri Theological College
Budapest Circus Arts and Contemporary Dance College
Eger Religious Studies College and Archbishop Institute for Priest Education
Eötvös József College
Theological College of Esztergom
International Business School
Reformed Theological Academy of Pápa
Episcopal Theological College of Pécs
Pentecostal Theological College
Sapientia College of Theology of Religious Orders
Sárospatak Reformed Theology Academy
Sola Scriptura Theological College
St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute
Szent Pál Academy
Tomori Pál College
Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém
Wekerle Business School
John Wesley Theological College


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